• BryGuy Reviews Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake
  • BryGuy Reviews Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake

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  1. #1
    True Derelict BryGuySC's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    BryGuy Reviews Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake

    This batch came in a 250 gram box but the ziplock bag was not sealed all the way, and the outer box was mostly sealed, so it was a little bit dried out but actually had a perfect level for smoking. still pliable and a hint moist. It probably could have dried it a hair more before smoking, but I balled up a bit and stuffed it in a cob, musketball-style.

    This sometimes starts off a bit bland and unimpressive. After about half of a bowl, the flavor notes picked up and there were some nice flavors of hay and cereal. More of the grain part of the hay than the fresh cut smell of hay or the barn smell of hay. Kind of like sweet Special K.
    I also get hints that reminds me of that sharp, coarse grass that grew around my grandfather's pond.
    Very mild creamy citrus notes on the tongue.

    I grew up next to a hay field. This brings up memories of walking across the field kicking the piles of drying, but still damp on the bottom, grassy hay.
    It also had moments that make me think of the buttered rolls we would eat at dinner.

    Really nice stuff.

  2. Thanks Griz, Bruck thanked for this post
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  3. #2
    Lonely Wandering Bum Griz's Avatar
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    Thanks for the review Bry.

    Was yours fresh? I mean, not purposefully aged. I gotta tin from Oct 2012 and really wanted to see how long I could let it go before breaking down and opening it.

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  5. #3
    True Derelict BryGuySC's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griz View Post
    Thanks for the review Bry.

    Was yours fresh? I mean, not purposefully aged. I gotta tin from Oct 2012 and really wanted to see how long I could let it go before breaking down and opening it.
    Yep. Reviewed straight out of the box.

  6. Thanks Griz thanked for this post

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